The first gifts we give our children is a name, cloths, and food. Having tended to the immediate needs we are required to orientate them toward God, to consecrate them to the path of holiness, and set them firmly against sin. As parents we must meet their material needs, but the most important priority is their spiritual life. Thus the Church requires that the infant of a Catholic family should be Baptized as soon as possible so that they can be washed of sin and consecrated to God.
Without a voice of their own, the parents and Godparents speak on their behalf as they are presented to the Church. By having thier child Baptized the Parents make a solemn vow to teach them the way of Jesus Christ, cultivate their active participation in the Church, and give them the witness of their own faith life. Having your child Baptized is a serious responsibility.
However, it is also a moment of great joy, and we are so happy to celebrate this moment for you and your family. Do not hesitate to contact us after your child is born so we can begin to make arrangements for your child's Baptism.
In preparation for your child's Baptism, please read our helpful guidelines provided below as there will be several steps that will need to be completed.
You will need the following in preparation for your child's Baptism:
1. Birth Certificate: Your child's original or a certified copy (we will make a copy and return it to you.)
2. Baptism Sponsor Covenant Form: One for each of your Godparents (see below for requirements for Godparents.
3. Baptismal Registration Form: Available at the office or in the link below.
4. Proof of Attendance of a Pre-Baptism Class: This is required for the parents and the Godparents. See below for more information on Pre-Baptism Class requirements.
You can find many of these documents on this page in the links found below.
Other documents that may be required in particular cases:
1. Letter of Permission from Your Parish: Baptisms should be held in your local parish that you are registered with. If you are coming from another town you may ned to get a letter for permission from your parish of residence to have your Baptism here.
2. Adoption Records: If applicable.
3. Consent from both parents: There may be a need for consent from both parents if they are divorced and enjoy joint custody of the child
The following are the basic requirements for Godparents:
1. Only one godparent is required and only two are permitted. If there are two they need to be a male and a female.
2. The godparents must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
3. The godparents, if married, must be in a marriage recognized by the Church. Couples who are cohabiting or in any other way violating the sanctity of marriage are also impeded from being godparents. (seek consultation with the pastor if there are doubts concerning this)
4. The godparents cannot be the parents of the child.
5. They must be at least 16 years of age.
6. They should be practicing Catholics, giving an example of prayer and regular worship with their parish community.
7. They should be able to share with the parents the task of handing on the faith to the child; actively giving Christian witness in their lives.
8. If the godparent cannot be at the baptism another Catholic may stand as a proxy.
Let's spend sometime reflecting on what we are about to do.
All Catholic parents and godparents of the child to be baptized need to attend a Pre-Baptism class. Parents who are not Catholic are strongly encouraged to attend.
You may attend a class at any Catholic Church. Those who have attended a class within the last 2 years are not obligated but they must provide proof of attendance.
The parish office recieves your proof of attendance from the facilitators of classes here at St. John the Evangelist. Therefore, no further documentation is required after attendance. However, if you attended classes at another parish we will need written proof.