The celebration of Daily Mass, and in particular Sunday Mass, is the responsibility of all Catholics. Many activily participate in this celebration by serving as Ushers, Lectors, Altar Servers, Sacristans, and Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Not all can serve in these roles, but all should be willing to provide what assistance they can to the celebration of the Liturgy. We are always in need of people to step forward and assist at Mass. If you are you are ready to respond to the call to serve, please contact Haurora Ordonez in the Parish Office and she will be more than happy to assist you. You can also contact the following ministry leaders: Lectors: Bertha Rodriguez Sacristans: Juan Rios Ushers: Stephen Netardus Spanish Mass Ushers: Nazario Reyna Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Robert Hochstein